Life or money
Last week, a friend of mine, which i haven’t seen him for a year long come to visit, and we have a lot of conversation, even a serious debate about what is the most important thing in life. What to be prioritize first ? and why or why shouldn’t we rely on anything in this […]
Cold/influenza treatment
As Indonesia still in rainy season during February, i find that a lot of people get cough and running nose. They say that this year rain are heavier than before, not mention the strong wind which usually accompany the rain, makes your body chill. The sad thing is, between rainy day, there are also clear […]
Why do spiritual persons still experience loss and disaster?
Throughout history, many sages and saints who were renowned as spiritual persons with great spirituality, influence and followers. Did not neccessarily lead a happy life? often than not, they were crucified, poisoned, amputated and so on. Their lives were sometimes an epitome of tragedies. In which their followers, remember their suffering in tears, how come […]
A daily reiki practice
Though energy work in Reiki is simple, but to maintain and strengthened Reiki flow within us, we need to dedicate an hour or two to do some Reiki exercise. The question is, Reiki has been developed into so many style with a lot of techniques and symbols, so what Reiki style and techniques to be […]
Reiki Symbols
What is Reiki symbols? Do they have power on itself? or they just mere tools to help us understand something that do have the real power? Now, i want to discuss about the secret behind Reiki symbols, especially the three first symbols of Reiki, Cho ku Rei, Sei He Ki and HZSN. Eleven years ago, when i learning and […]
Its nothing personal, it just business
Recently, i met a guy who always complaining about his relationship with his wife, his boss, and about everything that he encountered. In the beginning, to show him that i am a kind person, i tried to give my ears. Try to understand him while practising my active listening skill. After, thirty minutes of conversation […]
Law of attraction in Buddhism
If you ever wonder, how can Law of attraction works? or what is the logic or principle in Law of attraction ? Believe it or not, i have found it inside the teaching of the great teacher who live approximately 2500 years ago. Buddha Gautama. In his days, Buddha Gautama taught about how we can […]
Abdominal breathing vs Reverse abdominal breathing
In general Abdominal breathing is moving in and out our abdomen. it is an exercise to convert our fat within our belly. There is also added benefit which is connecting our perineum with coccyx bone aka. tail bone, in which make a pathway for the energy created in the abdomen to travel along the spine […]
Its never about others
There was a man, who lived for his family, he worked hard every day, enduring hardship under burning sun. For a long time, he never enjoyed what he produced, he shared the fruit of his best effort to his family. There is no other thing in his mind but his family welfare and safety. One […]
A fading miracle
When Alexander Fleming in 1928 found Penicillin, the world cherish in joy as a miracle in medicine finally occur. Since then, modern human have an ultimate weapon against bacterial infections. However, non of them who live during the first era of antibiotics will think that the founding of modern antibiotics is just the beginning of […]