Seputar spiritual, meditasi dan Reiki
Spiritual, Meditation and healing

Call us:+62 081 6533 777

Just For Today

Don’t Be Angry
Don’t Worry
Always Thankfull
Work Hard
Kind to others
— Mikao Usui—-

. About Reiki.

Actually, what is Reiki?

When Sensei Usui finished his 21-day retreat on Mount Kurama, he found that around us, there is an energy phenomenon. And he believes that the energy phenomenon is pure energy before the energy solidifies into this universe.

Because this energy is also part of the essence of our existence, he called the energy phenomenon he witnessed REIKI. or “spiritual energy”.

So Reiki is the primordial energy or the beginning of this universe itself,


“Our body consists of millions of intelligent cells, capable of healing itself, we just need to not interfere”

Shihan Franjoeliem (Yonathan)

“If our hearts are filled with gratitude for good and bad things; full of thoughts to help others and nature, miracle after miracle will appear without stopping”

Shihan Franjoeliem (Yonathan)

HusadaReiki Whatsapp Group

Stress, tiredness, pressure, and not knowing what to do, seem to be our daily food, in the modern era, we seem to be surrounded from the four corners of the wind, the problems and issues never end. Therefore, let's join the Husada Reiki Whatsapp group, because every first and third week of every month, there is a joint Reiki healing session,

Those who join the healing group say