Seputar spiritual, meditasi dan Reiki
Spiritual, Meditation and healing

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What is Reiki?

Do you know that we are actually exposed to various types of energy radiation? If we are actually exposed to solar energy radiation and stars? And in today’s modern world, we are exposed to various electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, laptops, etc. In addition, we are also exposed to energy radiation from the emotions and thoughts of people around us. There are thousands of energy radiations that directly or indirectly affect our physical, emotional and mental health.

If electromagnetic radiation and solar energy can be measured with modern equipment, there is a phenomenon of energy radiation that has not been proven until now. Although since thousands of years ago, human civilization, wherever it is, has known the phenomenon of invisible energy radiation, but its effects can be felt and greatly affect the health of the body. There are many names for this phenomenon, in China it is called Qi, in India it is called Prana, some also call it Mana, ruach, etc.

The meaning of the word Reiki

While Reiki comes from two kanji words, Rei and Ki, where Rei can be interpreted as ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ and Ki can be interpreted as energy. So Reiki, literally can be interpreted as spiritual energy.

Tahukah anda, bila sebenarnya kita terpapar oleh beragam jenis radiasi energy? Bila sebenarnya kita terpapar oleh radiasi energy matahari, dan bintang bintang? dan di dunia modern sekarang ini, kita terpapar oleh beragam radiasi elektromagnetik dari ponsel, komputer, laptop, dll ?selain itu, kita juga terpapar oleh radiasi energy dari emosi dan pikiran orang-orang di sekitar kita. Ada ribuan radiasi energy  yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kesehatan tubuh, emosi dan mental kita.

Bila radiasi elektromagnetic dan energy matahari dapat diukur dengan peralatan modern, Ada fenomena radiasi energy yang sampai sekarang belum dapat di buktikan. Walaupun sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu, peradaban manusia, dimanapun adanya, mengenal fenomena radiasi energy yang tak kasat mata, tapi efeknya mampu dirasakan dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan tubuh. Banyak sebutan untuk fenomena ini, di Cina di sebut Qi, di India disebut Prana, ada juga yang menyebutnya Mana, ruach, dll.

Arti kata Reiki

Sedangkan Reiki, berasal dari dua kata kanji, Rei dan Ki, dimana Rei dapat diartikan sebagai ‘roh’ atau ‘jiwa’ dan Ki dapat diartikan sebagai energi. Jadi Reiki, secara harafiah dapat di artikan sebagai Energy spiritual.

History of Reiki

The accurate history of Sensei Usui is written on a stone monument built in memory of Sensei Usui at Saihoji Temple, Tokyo, Japan.

The stone monument was written by Juzaburo Ushida, a senior disciple of Sensei Usui, and the first chairman of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, in February 1927, one year after Sensei Usui passed away. , here is the translation:

What you naturally realize through self-development and training is called “wisdom” and is called “goodness” when shared in a method of leadership, healing and practice. Therefore, a person who has much goodness and new wisdom can be called a great founder. Anyone who starts a new teaching, be it prophets, philosophers, geniuses and others since ancient times are people who have much goodness and wisdom. Sensei Usui is one of them.

He started a new method to improve the body and soul based on REIKI in the universe. Hearing this, many people wanted to learn it and people who wanted to be healed gathered from all over. It was a very busy day.

Sensei Usui, known by the name ‘MIKAO’ and his pen name ‘GYOHAN’ came from Taniai village, Yamagata district, Gifu prefecture. His ancestor was Tsunetane Chiba, a military commander in the late Heian era and early Kamakura era (1180-1230). His father’s name was Taneuji who is often known as Uzaemon. His mother came from the Kawai family

Sensei Usui, born on August 15, 1865, when he was little he had difficulty in learning and had to study very hard which made him have abilities that exceeded his friends. When he was older he went to Europe, America and China to study. Although he had various skills and abilities, he was not always successful in life, and often he was forced to live in poverty. He struggled hard to train his mind and body so that he would not run away from difficulties.

One day, Sensei Usui climbed Mount Kurama, where he began fasting and meditation. Suddenly on the 21st day, he felt a huge Reiki energy above his head and at the same time he experienced spiritual enlightenment and gained the ability of Reiki healing.

He thought “It would be better if this ability is given widely to the world community and enjoyed with them rather than keeping it exclusively within the family”. Thus he moved his residence to Aoyama Harajuku, Tokyo in April 1922 and established an institution where Reiki healing was taught freely to the community, here Reiki therapy was also given. Many people came from all over asking for guidance and healing, they made a very long queue.

Tokyo experienced a great fire caused by the great earthquake in the Kanto district in September 1923. and caused many people to be injured everywhere. Seeing this incident, Sensei Usui felt very concerned, so he went around the city every day and tried to help them by giving REIKI healing therapy. We can’t count how many people were saved from death because of his devotion. His comforting and comforting activities, in which he extended a loving hand to all those who suffered in the crisis, are summarized in the above account.

Therefore, his training center became too small to receive visitors, so he built a house in Nakano, outside the city in February 1925 and moved there. As his reputation grew, he often received invitations from all over the country. In accordance with these invitations he traveled to Kure and Hiroshima, then reached Saga and came to Fukuyama. Where in an inn, he was struck down with a very serious illness and died at the age of 62.

His wife was from the Suzuki family and was named Sadako, and had a son and a daughter. His son was named Fuji and he became the successor of the Usui family.

Gentle and very careful were the natural characters of Sensei Usui, and he did not take care of his appearance. His body was big and fat, a smile always radiated from his face. When he faced difficulties, he would face them with strong will and caution. He was a person with strong talent and a lover of books, his knowledge included history, biography, medical knowledge, Christian and Buddhist scriptures, psychology, magic of fairy land, art of curse, fortune telling and physiognomy.

In my opinion, it is evident to anyone that his self-development and training came from his career in the arts and sciences. This was his inspiration in developing the REIKI healing method.

Examining these facts, I understand that REIKI healing aims not only to cure diseases but also to heal the mind based on the wisdom of the spiritual ability given by God, to keep the body healthy and to enjoy the welfare of life. When teaching someone, we must first make them aware of the last instructions of the Meiji Emperor and recite the 5 admonitions every morning and evening to keep them in mind.

The 5 admonitions are:
1. Do not be angry today
2. Do not worry
3. Express gratitude
4. Work diligently in all your activities
5. Be kind to others.

The above are important prescriptions for self-development, just as the wise men of the past reminded themselves. Sensei Usui emphasized “This is a secret process that can bring good fortune and miracles that can cure all kinds of diseases”. In this way he made the purpose of his teachings clear and precise. Furthermore, he tried to make his guidance as short and simple as possible, so that many people could easily understand. Every time you sit and join your hands to pray every morning and evening, recite the 5 admonitions to build a clear and strong mind, this maximizes what you can achieve every day of your life.

This is why Reiki healing is so easy to spread to everyone. Life is changing very easily nowadays, and people’s views will change with the times. If we succeed in spreading Reiki everywhere, then we have succeeded in preventing society from experiencing a decline in morality. There is no other benefit of Reiki-ho other than providing healing for chronic diseases and bad habits.

The number of people who have learned from Sensei Usi has reached more than 2000. Some students who live in Tokyo gather at the training center and continue their work, while other students all over the country are also doing everything they can to popularize REIKI healing. Although our teacher is no longer with us, we must do everything we can to continue REIKI healing to the general public forever and spread it even wider. Ah! What a great thing he did by giving to others what he had gained and realized himself.

As a result of the discussions and meetings of the students, we decided to erect a monument at his family grave so that we can bring the wisdom of his actions to the public and pass it on to the future. Therefore I was asked to compose a writing on the monument. Because I was amazed by what he had done and the urging of the warmth of the hearts of other students who had a spiritual bond with the teacher, I did not dare to refuse the request, and wrote a summary.

Therefore I hope from my heart, that future generations will not forget to see this monument with amazement.

February 1927
Edited by Masayuki Okada
The Junior 3rd rank, the 3rd Order of Merit,
Doctor of literature

Written by Juzaburi Ushida
The Junior 4th rank, the 3rd Order of Merit, the 4th class of services,
Rear Admiral

(Translated into modern Japanese by Hiroshi Doi, Ashiya City, on 1 January, 1998)
(Translated into English by Tetsuyuki Ono, Takarazuka City, on 19th June, 1998)
(Translated into Indonesian by Yonathan, 5 February 2009)


What is attunement?

Attunement or if translated into Indonesian, can also mean alignment. This term is very appropriate to explain the concept of attunement in reiki, why?

because actually, Reiki energy, or reiki vibrations have been with us since the beginning, yes, that’s right, you read it right, because actually, we are Reiki energy, only in solid form. If we are actually Reiki energy, then why do we learn and receive attunement?

Well, this is a long story, but let me shorten it, if it’s not clear, you can contact me, okay

Long story short, we are like asleep, forgetting our true selves, like a singer, forgetting how to sing a song properly, and finally sounding out of tune. The out of tune notes that we emit from ourselves, cause various diseases and obstacles in our lives. It can be said, all the problems we experience, are actually just a matter of forgetting, forgetting how to sing properly.

In order for our lives to return to normal, like a singer who forgets the right song, we must learn again to sing correctly or be heard, how is the ‘right song’.

The process, learning and listening again to the ‘right’ song is “ATTUNEMENT” or alignment. ‘

Is it clear? not clear?

contact me if not 🙂

Here, I translate from the book Gendai Reikho, the history of attunement or Reiji-ho in reiki:

“When Sensei Usui realized the existence of Reiki in his spiritual retreat on Mount Kurama-Kyoto, he thought ” If this power is only mastered by my family, then this power cannot be useful for more people, I must spread it to everyone. ” For this mission, Sensei Usui conducted research into various ancient manuscripts and learned more about energy phenomena. After going through various experiments and trials, he finally created a standard for channeling Reiki called REIJU, in addition he also created a set of exercises to accelerate the flow of Reiki called Hatsurei-ho.

He founded the “USUI REIKI RYOHO SOCIETY” and gave Sho-den (beginner) lessons for anyone who wanted to have healing abilities. Reiju was first given in Harajuku, Tokyo, then spread to the United States and changed its name to attunement.

Some Reiki teachers call it initiation, even now some say that the process is the process of opening the energy chakra. (although the meaning is actually not the same)

When doing attunement, a Reiki teacher connects with the Reiki vibrations and covers himself with light to purify his body and mind. Then he will create a path for Reiki in his spine. The Reiki teacher sends Reiki in key places to smooth the flow of energy. Next, the teacher will neutralize the excess energy in the body to the ground, and perform the process of giving Reiki to both hands, so that the palms can channel strong energy

All of this can be done by a teacher who is able to provide pure and clear Reiki energy.”

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