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Seputar spiritual, meditasi dan Reiki

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Kenapa Amerika memilih Donald Trump

Bagi yang masih heran, kenapa Amerika bisa memilih kembali Donald Trump, yang katanya rasis, mysoginis, terdakwa kasus hukum, yuk mari kita analisis dan bahas satu persatu. Pada tahun 2016, Donald Trump berhasil mengalahkan Hillary Clinton  dalam pemilihan Presiden Amerika. Ini sangat mengagetkan, karena Hillary Clinton di gadang-gadang menjadi presiden pertama

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Overcoming a bad decision

Once for a while, though you already try to decide t0 choose the best option in your business, you still get wrong result as you may neglect the details. Mistake seems inevitable. Sometimes it just involve money, in which make the feeling a bit worse. A mistake may bring bad

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Detachment Skill

I can see that a mother need to be attach to her kids, withouts such attachment, she won’t feel any emotional urge to provide for her kids. A motherly instinct, you say, it is powerful enough to transform, meek and weak woman, into a tigress. The pain for seeing their

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Panic Attack

When there is something terrible might happened toward you or your family, we will experience fears. Out of our strive to be comfortable and survive, we want to avoid anything bad happened. Fears are there to remind us that something need to be done, to avoid bad things happened. During

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Tudjuh Latihan Para Yogi

Dibawah ini kami sadjikan tudjuh latihan kesajangan para Yogi, jang dimaksudkan untuk memperkembangkan paru2, otot2, sel2 udara, dllnja. Latihan2 İni sangat sederhana, akan tetapi hasilnja tjemerlang. Meskipun sederhana, djangan Anda abaikan, karena latihan2 ini adalah hasil pertjöbaan2 seksama jang dilakukan oleh para Yogi. dan merupakan ihtisar deri berbagai matjam latihan,

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Kenapa Amerika memilih Donald Trump

Bagi yang masih heran, kenapa Amerika bisa memilih kembali Donald Trump, yang katanya rasis, mysoginis, terdakwa kasus hukum, yuk mari kita analisis dan bahas satu persatu. Pada tahun 2016, Donald Trump berhasil mengalahkan Hillary Clinton  dalam pemilihan Presiden Amerika. Ini sangat mengagetkan, karena Hillary Clinton di gadang-gadang menjadi presiden pertama

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Overcoming a bad decision

Once for a while, though you already try to decide t0 choose the best option in your business, you still get wrong result as you may neglect the details. Mistake seems inevitable. Sometimes it just involve money, in which make the feeling a bit worse. A mistake may bring bad

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Detachment Skill

I can see that a mother need to be attach to her kids, withouts such attachment, she won’t feel any emotional urge to provide for her kids. A motherly instinct, you say, it is powerful enough to transform, meek and weak woman, into a tigress. The pain for seeing their

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Panic Attack

When there is something terrible might happened toward you or your family, we will experience fears. Out of our strive to be comfortable and survive, we want to avoid anything bad happened. Fears are there to remind us that something need to be done, to avoid bad things happened. During

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Tudjuh Latihan Para Yogi

Dibawah ini kami sadjikan tudjuh latihan kesajangan para Yogi, jang dimaksudkan untuk memperkembangkan paru2, otot2, sel2 udara, dllnja. Latihan2 İni sangat sederhana, akan tetapi hasilnja tjemerlang. Meskipun sederhana, djangan Anda abaikan, karena latihan2 ini adalah hasil pertjöbaan2 seksama jang dilakukan oleh para Yogi. dan merupakan ihtisar deri berbagai matjam latihan,

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